Friday, April 3, 2020

Determination of Horoscope Compatibility using Astrology

Determination of horoscope compatibility is one of the widely used in all types of astrological studies and predictions. For instance; in Vedic astrology, the natal charts of the persons whose compatibility test is conducted.  Also in Vedic astrology various divisional charts are used for determination of compatibility. Astrologers also assess the Vinshottari dasha chart that suitably unfolds the probability of future life events of the persons concerned. The core objective of the study of horoscope compatibility is to make sure that the temperaments of the partners make the best match.

Basic Concept of Nadi Astrology

It is necessary for the users of Indian and especially Nadi astrology to understand the basics of the astrological system. As indicated in its name, the core concept is the use of Nadi in deciding on any astrological solution. According to Vedic astrology there are 150 Nadis in every Rashi of the 12 rashis recognized in Vedic astrology.

Interconnection of Nadis and Rashis in Vedic Astrology

One of the main features of Nadi astrology is that each Rashi occupies 30 degrees of the 360-degree zodiac. 12 zodiac signs are also divided into three groups as movable, fixed, and dual. There are as many as 1800 Nadis in 360 degrees and numbers and the names used in Nadi reading are identical among all four signs of a group. 

For using the Nadi reading for arriving at true astrological solutions it is important to understand the basic use of the Nadi methodology. Finding an authentic astrological site can help in getting the best Nadi based reading.

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