Monday, August 31, 2020

Age Old Practice of Palm Reading in Astrology

Astrology is a vast subject and there are numerous wings of it including predictions and preparation of different charts and even full-time life predictions. Some of the practices in the art are age-old and manually operated. Some of the practices have also successfully survived despite the arrival and current domination of digital methods with every astrologer using a laptop computer. One such astrological method that involved physical contact was the palm reading.

What is Palm Reading and How it Works

Astrologers believe the lines on the palm of a man or woman can indicate the status of past, present, and future accurately. Since it needed approaching an astrologer rendering palmistry related services, the customers looked forward to the predictions for longer periods instead of the daily horoscope. Basically, palmistry involves studying the lines on the right-hand palm for male and the left-hand palm for their female counterparts to know about the past, present, and future in astrology

Palm Reading in Covid-19 Era

With the advent of the dreaded COVID-19 and dangers of virus infection due to physical contact practice of Palm Reading has changed. These days a growing practice is taking a photograph and transmission of the same to the targeted astrologer digitally. This avoids the chance of infection and is a safe practice. The only problem is that it is also believed that lines present on anyone’s palm can change from time to time making predictions difficult.

Palmistry is still an active method in astrological studies. However, it is not used for predicting daily horoscope but its long-term counterparts.


Best Site for Daily Horoscope based on Palm Reading and Numerology

Days, when people approached an astrologer  physically for predictions based on different wings of astrology, is almost over. The first chan...