Thursday, November 5, 2020

Free Monthly Horoscope for This Month -

What is Nadi Astrology? – Tips for beginners The fantastic Science of Nadi Astrology will drop light on the story of your Soul’s voyage. You will comprehend your past, present, and future. Nadi Astrology is also called Nadi Jyotish which signifies Seek the Channel of the Science of Light. Even more wonderful is that Nadi is the Science of Thumb Prints as well as the Science of Sounds too. The Divine Predictions that Nadi Astrology conveys are based on the ancient and consecrated inscriptions imprinted on palm leaves that are cooperatively known as Nadi. Nadi originated with The Great Sages of India. These original Mind Scientists accomplished the utmost awareness through unbeatably concentrating meditative practices, sound waves, and other esoteric methods. This transcendental acquaintance allowed them to better this limited linear time realism to see the life stories, both past, and prospect, of all souls. Their spectacle into the prospect showed them the complications that would prevail in modern times. Out of their deep compassion for humankind, these highly developed and accelerated beings wanted to offer an occasion for people to find out and transform their destinies as well as develop their souls. What is a Nadi Leaf? In antique times, information was passed down verbally. The written word came three thousand years after that. That is when scribes underway to evidence much of India’s literary, scientific, religious, and Monthly horoscope of over thousands of years; a vast inheritance. Granite slabs, thin copper plates along tree bark were some of the mediums utilized for recording information, but for the Nadi information, leaves of palm were the option. The Rishis had particular scribes cautiously etch each letter of your story into the dried leaf with a particular tool or else stylus. This was completed all by hand to evade splitting the leaf. The writing was almost always permanent, without any space between words. This is one reason why the reading of the leaves needs training, as well as a comprehension of the ancient languages of Tamil or else Sanskrit. When the etching was complete, lamp black or else turmeric was applied to increase difference and make it decipherable and oil was rubbed in to aid preserve them. A bundle of leaves in the similar thumbprint category, or else soul grouping, were then bound with a cord between two wooden covers. How Will Nadi Benefit You and your outlook? A huge value of the Nadi birth chart is that it offers you the realization of the link from your prior birth to your present life. Another, even superior value of Nadi, is that offers precise methods to change the remaining karma of that prior birth. Your past actually can come to haunt you. The Rishis not only wrote down your soul’s roadmap on your Nadi leaf but also prearranged a list of ‘remedies’ or else course corrections that will put you back on a constructive path. You actually can correct past mistakes or else errors in the decision. Most frequently these remedies have you go to vortexes to make easy offerings. We are all vigorous beings. By resonating with the energy of a precise vortex, your past hostile karmic energy signature gets retuned and your being gets rerouted back to a correct path. Most frequently these energy vortices are temples in India. However, depending on the nature of your karma requiring to be remediated, churches, mosques as well as other detailed locations are on occasion prescribed. The presentation of the scheduled remedies negates the outstanding effects of your past actions as well as permits you to develop with your ambitions in this lifetime.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Must-know benefits of Palm reading and astrology

Palm Reading is something individuals turn towards while looking for answers connected to their past, their fate, or their fortune. It is an ancient tradition widespread in countries all around the globe.

What is Palm Reading?

Palmistry or else Chiromancy is the art and science of interpretation of a person's palm lines. This reading is utilized to understand certain character traits as well as prognostic the prospect through the study of the palm. Also known as Chirology or else Palm Reading in admired culture, this is widespread in numerous countries across the world, with regional along with edifying variations.

Palm Reading

Find Your Fate provides qualified Palmistry sessions. Our partner astrology experts proffer professional Palmistry sessions.

There are several schools of palmistry with their own variations as well as interpretations of lines along with palmar features.

Everyone's hand or palm obviously develops lines which we transfer to as the 'palm lines' or 'fate lines'. We are all instinctive with these 'palm lines'. It is supposed that the palm lines on one of our hands linger fixed all through our life, whereas the lines on the other can modify during the course of our life. The enduring lines represent the fate that we were born with, while the altering lines represent the present circumstances based on our free will and our actions to date. 

Advantages of Palm Reading

It is significant for people to comprehend that palmistry is not direct fortune-telling. The events of the future are not firm and can modify according to events as well as situations in life. Horoscope reading is a method of connecting your past with the present and the future. Some of the advantages of palmreading:

·         It may unlock the queries and answers associated with memories of past life

·         It assists individuals to figure out their purpose in life

·       It offers an insight into their strengths and weaknesses that one might have and how to overcome the obstacles in life

·   Helps in decision making as well as guides the person in their relationships, finances, career, family, and friends

·      Palm reading also initiates the imaginative side of an individual and permits them to optimize their output


Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Can You Get Chinese Astrology, Numerology, and Palm Reading under Single Window?

Astrology is a vast science and it has got numerous branches. Astrology can be different based on the location of its origin like the Indian, Western, and Chinese astrology among others. The difference can also be based on the method used. For example; numerology is based on numbers and their impacts on one’s life. Another form of astrology is palmistry where the astrologer comes up with predictions reading the lines and signs on one’s palm. Each of these methods has its distinct features and the ultimate choice rests with the clients depending on their preferences. But a major question is can the clients get all these under one window?

Reliable Astrological Site for Chinese Astrology and all Other Forms

There are many authentic astrological sites on the web. However, most of them specialize in one form only. For example; an online astrological site may be having highly accomplished astrologers specializing in Indian or Western astrology.  It may not be able to provide readings based on Chinese astrology. It has to be kept in mind that all forms of astrology have their distinctive characters and need to use the right method. Selecting an astrological site that offers multiple services is the solution in such cases.

The oldest form of Astrological Readings

The oldest form of astrological reading is palm reading or palmistry. The astrologer would check the lines and other features in the palm of the subject and come up with predictions. This needed physical proximity between the astrologer and the client. As in Covid19 pandemic days the social distancing is a must; many astrologers are depending on scanned images of the client’s palms for predictions based on palm reading.

Qualitative the astrological site gives the client huge options to choose from including country-based, module-based, and numerology based predictions under one roof. This can easily address the issues of meeting the preference of the client.  



Monday, August 31, 2020

Age Old Practice of Palm Reading in Astrology

Astrology is a vast subject and there are numerous wings of it including predictions and preparation of different charts and even full-time life predictions. Some of the practices in the art are age-old and manually operated. Some of the practices have also successfully survived despite the arrival and current domination of digital methods with every astrologer using a laptop computer. One such astrological method that involved physical contact was the palm reading.

What is Palm Reading and How it Works

Astrologers believe the lines on the palm of a man or woman can indicate the status of past, present, and future accurately. Since it needed approaching an astrologer rendering palmistry related services, the customers looked forward to the predictions for longer periods instead of the daily horoscope. Basically, palmistry involves studying the lines on the right-hand palm for male and the left-hand palm for their female counterparts to know about the past, present, and future in astrology

Palm Reading in Covid-19 Era

With the advent of the dreaded COVID-19 and dangers of virus infection due to physical contact practice of Palm Reading has changed. These days a growing practice is taking a photograph and transmission of the same to the targeted astrologer digitally. This avoids the chance of infection and is a safe practice. The only problem is that it is also believed that lines present on anyone’s palm can change from time to time making predictions difficult.

Palmistry is still an active method in astrological studies. However, it is not used for predicting daily horoscope but its long-term counterparts.


Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Is Chinese astrology worth it?

Just like India, even China has a very ancient culture. They have a lot of tradition that got buried along with the sands of time. Chinese astrology is one of them. One the basis of the year you were born you have a specific animal associated with it, like ox, rat or dragon. These animals have a certain set of characteristics associated with it. After all what I have said is just a gross synopsis of Chinese astrology. There is a huge ocean to be discovered by you and you can do it only by signing into where you can get daily updates of horoscope and check out your fate using Chinese astrology. When it comes to finding out your fate, the one stop portal is

Checking the compatibility of your horoscope

You see compatibility of horoscope is actually very necessary when it comes to marriage. You see now days couples do not care about the compatibility and get married according to their choice as these things perfectly fit their modern perspective. I may sound a bit archaic here but this is probably the reason why there are so many strained marriages that we hear about. You see god has designed a blueprint, i.e. your birth chart and we should go according to this blueprint. I totally agree that personal consent is necessary for a marriage to prosper, but diminishing the significance of compatibility can also be a risky affair while deciding to marry.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Experience The Miracle Of Astrology

Astrology, as we all know is one of the oldest forms of science. Although some people will contradict this statement and they will rather place it in the category of pseudoscience. But the reality is that although it may not be based on rational explanations, which is not possible as you cannot display the effects of celestial bodies in a laboratory, but the spiritual explanations and effects have been already defined by our ancestors about millennia ago. So, mysticism or science, you may consider astrology as whatever you want to, it actually does not matter.

We know what matters to you; it is an accurate prediction of your future. Well, even in astrology, there are various means of deciphering one’s future. One of the most popular methods, especially in India is palm reading. But let us look into the real picture, no doubts there are a lot of conmen and scammers who claim to know palm reading, but in reality all they do is siphon off people’s money and fool them with false predictions. Due to people like these, our profession is considered equivalent to that of snake charmers, it is a sad but true fact. Well, you should noit worry as you have signed into where you can get genuine predictions about your future by getting palm reading sessions done by one of the most reputed astrologist. Also you can get here regular update of daily horoscope. So now, through daily horoscope, you can get to know how your entire day will go.

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Friday, April 3, 2020

Determination of Horoscope Compatibility using Astrology

Determination of horoscope compatibility is one of the widely used in all types of astrological studies and predictions. For instance; in Vedic astrology, the natal charts of the persons whose compatibility test is conducted.  Also in Vedic astrology various divisional charts are used for determination of compatibility. Astrologers also assess the Vinshottari dasha chart that suitably unfolds the probability of future life events of the persons concerned. The core objective of the study of horoscope compatibility is to make sure that the temperaments of the partners make the best match.

Basic Concept of Nadi Astrology

It is necessary for the users of Indian and especially Nadi astrology to understand the basics of the astrological system. As indicated in its name, the core concept is the use of Nadi in deciding on any astrological solution. According to Vedic astrology there are 150 Nadis in every Rashi of the 12 rashis recognized in Vedic astrology.

Interconnection of Nadis and Rashis in Vedic Astrology

One of the main features of Nadi astrology is that each Rashi occupies 30 degrees of the 360-degree zodiac. 12 zodiac signs are also divided into three groups as movable, fixed, and dual. There are as many as 1800 Nadis in 360 degrees and numbers and the names used in Nadi reading are identical among all four signs of a group. 

For using the Nadi reading for arriving at true astrological solutions it is important to understand the basic use of the Nadi methodology. Finding an authentic astrological site can help in getting the best Nadi based reading.

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What is a Horoscope and Why Is It Important?

Anyone at any time can question what's in store in their life under the stars. The mystical world of horoscopes, zodiac signs, and birth...