Thursday, February 27, 2020

Things To Know About Nadi Astrology

Various forms of astrology are there and in India itself, there are various forms. Some of these are called dharma astrology like the Nadi astrology. The form is very popular among people as well as practicing astrologers in South India. The core concept of the Nadi astrology is based on the belief that in the past the sages and monks had the ability to predict the future of people by studying the movements of planets and naxatras in their birth chart.

How Nadi Reading is Conducted

Basically the ancient reading of providence that grew and flourished in South India and especially in Tamil Nadu, Nadi reading is believed to be the creation ancient monk named Agastya. The growth of this form of astrological studies is attributed to the priests in and around Vaitheswara Temple in Tamil Nadu. Details of the processes are recorded on palm leaves that served the purpose of the paper in ancient times.

Nadi Reading Concept

According to the astrologers that practice this form of astrology for any astrological prediction including the horoscope compatibility is that there are 150 nadis in one zodiac signs and thus there are 1800 Nadis in the 12 zodiac signs. The 12 zodiac signs are divided into three groups of 4 signs each for facilitating Nadi reading. These are movable or chara, fixed or sthira, and dual or dwivasbhava. In all the four signs in a group, the nadis are identical.

People looking for using nadi form of astrology for any purpose including the horoscope compatibility has to approach a genuine astrologer for getting the correct predictions. Finding such an astrologer would be easier approaching a reliable and reputable astrological agency online or physically.

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